Enhanced joint remote state preparation under correlated amplitude damping decoherence by WM and QMR
[数学科学学院]  [手机版本]  [扫描分享]  发布时间:2022年7月16日

报告题目:Enhanced joint remote state preparation under correlated amplitude damping decoherence by WM and QMR
  人:彭家寅 教授(内江师范大学)

报告摘要:This paper put forward a scheme of the joint remote state preparation (JRSP) of an arbitrary single-qubit state for the situation in which the GHZ-state of three qubits as a resource successively passes through the correlated amplitude damping (CAD) noisy channel. We give the analytical expressions quantifying the average fidelity of JRSP under the CAD noisy channel. Comparing with the results of uncorrelated amplitude damping (AD) noise, we find that the correlated effects enable to improve the average fidelity of JRSP in the CAD nosy channel. It means that the memory in the CAD noisy channel can improve the communication efficiency of JRSP definitely. Furthermore, we introduce weak measurement (WM) and quantum measurement reversal (QMR) into the above scheme, and calculate the average fidelity as a function of the decoherence strength, memory parameter, measurement strength of WM and measurement strength of QMR for an arbitrary state to be prepared. The results demonstrate that the combination of WM and QMR can significantly improve the average fidelity in both uncorrelated and correlated amplitude damping noise. Our results extend the capabilities of WM as a technique in various quantum information processes which are affected by correlated noise.

个人简介:彭家寅,男,19622月生,四川资中人,博士,三级教授 , 美国数学评论员,中共党员,原内江师范学院数学与信息学院院长,内江市数学会名誉理事长,担任四川省中小学教师资格面试考官。曾任内江师范学院学报编辑部主任、学报常务副主编、数学系副主任、四川省高等学校自然科学学报研究会理事、全国高等院校自然科学学报研究会师范院校分会理事等。致力于自动机与文法理论、模糊代数、模糊控制、量子通信等方向研究,发表学术论文170多篇,其中SCIEI检索论文30余篇。
